The ultimate competitive advantage in today’s world is the ability to make a difference and function at a higher frequency, to break with convention in order to lead with one’s heart. A successful entrepreneur is one who puts service before profit and builds a company on ethical principles.
Jonas Muthoni, who was raised by a single mother of six, has a deep grasp of what it takes to triumph over adversity thanks to his upbringing in a multicultural home. His rise to prominence was catalyzed by his drive to develop lasting connections with others and achieve personal excellence in the arts.
Since Jonas’s Deviate Agency was built entirely on word-of-mouth thanks to his visionary management style, cutting-edge services, and satisfied clientele, these are all vital to his success as the company’s founder and chief executive officer. Being the kind of leader that other people want to follow is the best approach to leaving an impression and encouraging future leaders to follow in one’s footsteps.
According to Jonas: “In order to create these results, your values are the number one key. Know what they are and create a team culture that is rooted in them.”
Values can be defined as “behavioral principles or standards, a person’s assessment of what is most important in life.”
Your company’s values serve as a compass to guide your decisions as you develop your vision and the leadership characteristics necessary to see it through. Further, consistent behaviors that emphasize your commitment to your values inspire confidence in your customers. To the extent that your actions, promises, and results do not match your words, you can anticipate pushback.
It’s clear that Jonas has mastered the art of making his clients happy; they never stop praising him.
His strategy: “I want to create a culture where my people don’t see me as their boss, but more as their team member. By doing this, I have one of the most diverse teams in the world. What I wanted was to hire people who are much smarter than myself. I want to hire people who are going to teach me something, not the other way around.”
Here are three essentials for developing a compassionate leadership style:
Become a Listener
You may better serve your community and inspire new ideas by developing your skills as a listener. It takes bravery to remain silent while believing that you can command attention just by being present.
Set Your Sights on Something That Will Inspire You
Every true leader exemplifies the ability to channel followers’ passion and commitment to something bigger than themselves. If you do what you love, “work” will never be a dreaded word.
Community Magnifies the Waves of Change You Are Able To Create
Leaders understand the significance of a cohesive group and the power of a “Village Mindset” in expanding their sphere of influence. It requires bravery to accept that the road to leadership no longer lies solely in one’s own hands. Master the techniques and abilities necessary to become an outstanding leader. A better strategy is to take things slowly, get some guidance from an experienced person, put pride aside, pay attention, and absorb the advice being given.
Generating a Viable Business Plan
You can have the appropriate attitude toward entrepreneurship, but it won’t go you very far if you don’t have a solid idea for a business. Make sure your idea accomplishes one of the following for it to be effective:
Offers a Workable Answer to an Issue
Successful businesses typically provide a service that makes people’s lives easier. Determine the source of your greatest annoyance. What kind of service or good could you create to address that issue?
Eliminates a Potential Issue
Opportunities abound in the emerging fashions of our rapidly evolving planet. A prosperous company could result from astute trend forecasting and the timely delivery of desirable goods and services. However, catastrophe could result from a poor decision.
Find a market segment you’re interested in exploring, take stock of what’s already out there, and think of ways to improve upon it.
Fills a Void in the Market
Opportunities that were overlooked in the past can still be discovered in some markets. Check out the competition. Is there a significant unmet need among shoppers? Checking out the unfavorable comments left on competing items is a simple technique to understand what consumers want and then provide it to them.
Enhances Existing Options
Adding to the value or appeal of something that already exists can be a lucrative business venture. If there is already a high demand for it, the improved version will sell like hotcakes.
Reduces the Cost to a Manageable Level
It’s always a good idea to save money whenever possible. Modify the product by using less expensive materials and sourcing it from more affordable suppliers. Essentially, you’re making the product available to a new demographic who couldn’t have afforded it before.
But that’s not it! First, make sure you aren’t duplicating something that already exists by looking into patent applications before getting too excited about your next big company idea. As a bonus, you’ll see who your rivals are and have a glimpse into the future of the market.