In a shocking turn of events, a man named Aman shot and killed a woman and two children before critically wounding a third child on Monday at a Las Vegas apartment complex. The grim incident unfolded just five days after the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, witnessed a separate tragedy, where three professors were fatally shot by a lone gunman.
The harrowing episode, labeled as a murder-suicide by the police, occurred around 10 a.m. at a sprawling apartment complex, according to information shared by Police Homicide Lieutenant Robert Price. The man, woman, and children were discovered by the assailant’s brother. Lt. Price, addressing the media, emphasized, “It does not have to end like this.”
The identity of the man, who had been under house arrest in an undisclosed court case, was not immediately disclosed. Lt. Price also mentioned that it is yet to be determined if the shooter and the victims were related.
The incident happened in an apartment complex located approximately a 40-minute drive northwest of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas where, just last week, a lone gunman entered the campus and opened fire in a building housing the business school. The attack resulted in the deaths of three faculty members and left fourth critically wounded.
The shooter in the university incident was identified as Anthony Polito, a longtime business professor from North Carolina. Officials revealed that Polito had been rejected for a teaching position at UNLV and other Nevada educational institutions. Polito met his end in a shootout with university police.
The Wednesday shooting at the university and the subsequent police response had already heightened anxiety on the 30,000-student campus, situated not far from the Las Vegas Strip. This area gained notoriety in 2017 when a gunman unleashed an outdoor concert attack, claiming the lives of 58 people. Tragically, two survivors succumbed to their injuries later, making it the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history. The recent events have once again cast a somber shadow over the Las Vegas community.