Amidst the controversy surrounding the censorship of Hunter Biden laptop’s story by Twitter’s former top lawyer Vijaya Gadde, an old photo that shows Gadde giving a death stare to her new boss, Elon Musk, has gone viral on social media.
Gadde’s Name Appeared in Viral Twitter Thread
Gadde’s name emerged in the Twitter thread after independent journalist Matt Taibbi went on to reveal the communication between the microblogging platform’s top officials soon after the controversy around Hunter’s laptop broke in October 2020.
“The decision was made at the highest levels of the company, but without the knowledge of CEO Jack Dorsey, with former head of legal, policy and trust Vijaya Gadde playing a key role,” Taibbi tweeted after reviewing internal company communications of a report he dubbed “The Twitter Files.”
New York Post revealed that Gadde also played a key role in imposing a permanent ban on the former U.S. President Donald Trump following the Capitol riot in January 2021. A picture of the former head of legal, policy , and trust at Twitter, surfaced.
The picture shows Gadde standing and staring at Musk as he addresses a staff meeting after taking over Twitter. Sharing the image, a user claimed that it was taken a day before Musk fired Gadde.
Will Gadde by Arrested ?
Soon after Gadde’s name appeared in Taibbi’s tweets, social media users launched a full-blown attack on her. Many demanded an immediate arrest of the former employee. “Now when we all know that Vijaya Gadde personally had interfered in election, so she belongs to jail, how are you going to resolve the issue of having her on your board of trustees,” tweeted a user.
“It is not that Vijaya Gadde didn’t want @elonmusk to buy Twitter. She just wanted to avoid a trip to jail,” wrote another.
“Vijaya Gadde suppressed Hunter Biden’s Laptop story without Jack’s knowledge. She caged the bird. She should be in jail,” read a tweet.
“They all need to be put in jail for treason against this country. @vijaya first, then anyone else involved with election rigging. Liberals are all projection. They said for years that Trump colluded with Russians in 2016, when they were the ones that colluded with big tech,” expressed a user.