Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama surprised Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on her 48th birthday with a heartfelt gesture during the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday. Rama presented Meloni with a scarf designed by an Italian artist who now resides in Albania. Adding a personal touch, Rama knelt before Meloni, referred to her as “Your Majesty,” and sang the Italian birthday song, “Tanti Auguri.”
The scarf, a lightweight and elegant creation, symbolized the close cultural ties between Albania and Italy. In a playful moment, Rama attempted to drape the scarf over Meloni’s head like a hijab, creating a lighthearted atmosphere during the formal event. The gesture, though unexpected, highlighted the friendly relationship between the two leaders.
Despite their differing political ideologies, the two have maintained a strong working relationship. Meloni leads Italy’s right-wing Brothers of Italy party, while Rama heads Albania’s Socialist Party. Last year, they signed an agreement to relocate some migrants rescued by Italy at sea to detention centers in Albania. While the plan is currently stalled due to legal challenges, it demonstrated their willingness to collaborate on sensitive regional issues.
The Abu Dhabi summit also provided an opportunity for significant progress in energy cooperation. Italy, Albania, and the United Arab Emirates signed a €1 billion ($1 billion) agreement to construct a subsea renewable energy connection across the Adriatic Sea. The project is expected to strengthen the region’s energy infrastructure and promote the use of sustainable energy, marking a critical step in reducing carbon emissions.
The energy deal is a milestone for regional collaboration, aiming to create a direct link for renewable energy transfer. It is expected to boost energy security and encourage the transition to cleaner energy solutions. The agreement underscores the growing importance of international partnerships in addressing global environmental challenges.
Rama’s gesture during Meloni’s birthday celebration also demonstrated the personal connection between the two leaders. Moments like this reflect the human side of diplomacy and add warmth to international relations. The playful and respectful interaction stood out during the high-stakes summit, drawing attention to the positive dynamics between Albania and Italy.
The World Future Energy Summit served as a significant stage for showcasing the strengthening ties between the two nations. With the energy agreement and ongoing cooperation on migration, the partnership between Albania and Italy continues to grow.
Rama’s unexpected act in Abu Dhabi celebrated not only Meloni’s birthday but also the enduring bond between their countries. It highlighted how meaningful gestures and collaborative efforts can enhance relationships, both personal and diplomatic, while working toward common goals.
This combination of goodwill and practical cooperation demonstrates the potential for unity, even between leaders with contrasting political views. Their partnership sets an example of how mutual respect and shared interests can lead to impactful progress for the region.