In the words of Assad Dar himself, experience his journey of being inspired to become a leading blockchain gaming entrepreneur at the helm of MoonGaming, the studio that is developing a popular upcoming web3 game called, Medieval Empires.
It was the summer of 1995 in Berlin, Germany. My brother and I had been anxiously waiting to get our first-ever Super Mario video game. We could barely contain our excitement as we headed back home, with the title’s cassette in our hands!
Even though our combined pocket money was gone in the process, the game was worth every penny! Naturally, we spent endless hours playing the addictive video game, over the entire summer memory I continue to cherish to this day!
From that summer in 1995 to the year 2019 the world has changed tremendously around us. Both of us grew up, worked in the corporate world, played hundreds of video games together, and started our families. From playing Counterstrike professionally to now my children playing video games how time flies!
But to this day, one thing remains the same my undying love for video games and the way they continue to connect us!
While gaming has been an almost addictive source of entertainment for me, it has also been a major source of inspiration for my creative and entrepreneurial side. Having worked in the digital transformation sector for years, I knew very well what revolutionary advancement in technology looked like. So, when the opportunity presented itself in the form of blockchain technology and web3 gaming, I knew there was immense potential to be explored.
Before long, there were already a lot of players in this new and budding tech field. The more I read about it, the more I got convinced that blockchain gaming is the future of the multi-billion-dollar video game industry!
But digital transformations are never so simple. I knew I had to set myself apart and do something that no one else was doing, something that I felt passionately about and something that was fundamentally strong as a business proposition.
With that thought in mind, I reached out to the crypto influencer and investor Carl Runefelt, who was already a renowned name in the crypto space. The idea landed well with Carl and together we set sail towards our dream collaborative project. With Carl’s involvement, the dream suddenly started to feel like an actual, tangible reality. But much was still to be done.
While we had the business plan, crypto community, and finances sorted, we still needed the mass market. Bigger audiences. We wanted a subject for our first game that had mass appeal as well as the depth to create a game storyline on and then we came across the perfect opportunity, with Engin Altan Duzyatan.
The global sensation from Turkey is a beloved actor who portrayed the role of Ertugrul flawlessly, which resonated with millions of people across the globe. With many outstanding credits to his name, and a worldwide appeal, we knew we had our man who would be the face of our game, Medieval Empires.
Now with the game storyline and vision in sight, all we needed was a stellar team to create a kickass game! So, we started hiring the best gaming talent across the globe, which was not as hard as one would imagine, because whoever we pitched the idea of our game to, got inspired and instantly interested in becoming a part of the team. Soon enough, we managed to create a team with the most talented individuals from some of the biggest players in the market. And so, we were geared up to go full steam ahead with Medieval Empires!
Medieval Empires is a one-of-a-kind project with the aim of revolutionizing the video game industry, by harnessing the power of blockchain technology and empowering the community through a unique play-and-own model. With a game economy that helps players generate actual value through ownership of assets, we are well on our way to bringing a groundbreaking gaming product to the players!
With MoonGaming and Medieval Empires, my life seems to have come full circle – from being a young boy with an addictive love for video games to being the visionary and co-founder of an advanced technology web3 gaming studio! It goes to show that inspiration can come from anywhere. And in any part of your life. Some people find it in books, others in classrooms, Newton found it in the apple that fell on his head and for me, I found it in the 1980s classic, Super Mario!
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