US President Joe Biden was seen sneaking up behind a girl and grabbing her shoulder. While posing for a picture on Friday, Biden made a college student uncomfortable. The incident took place at Irvine Valley College at Irvine, California.
Biden went to the college to brief about his administration’s effort to reduce inflation and meet older adults. At the college, he also appeared to be giving dating advice to the girl.
Biden Is Seen Sniffing The Girl
During the visit, when Biden stood to deliver his remarks about curbing inflation, he told a bemused teen: “Now, a very important thing I told me daughters and granddaughters – no serious guys until you’re 30!”
Biden Gave Dating Advice To The Girl
Biden stood to take a photograph with the girl. As he did so, he appeared to sniff the girl’s hair before imparting the ‘fatherly’ relationship advice. The girl appears to be genuinely uncomfortable and laughs nervously as she turns around to look at the commander-in-chief, who continues to rest his hands on her shoulder, according to Daily Mail.
Secret Service Agent Appeared To Try To Stop Biden
A secret service agent also appeared to stop Biden during the awkward moment, according to the reports. Reporter Kalen D’Almeida captured the weird moments on camera.
Back in March, Biden was giving the same advice to third-grade schoolgirls. “the only thing I want you girls to remember, no serious guys ’til you’re 30 years old,” he told eight-year-old girls.
Biden has a history of doing such awkward acts when he interacts with younger girls. He has been pictured previously sniffing girls’ hair and kissing them on the head.
In 2019, Biden released a statement saying he ‘does not believe he ever acted inappropriately. He added it has never been his intention to make anyone uncomfortable, according to Mail.
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