Feminine product company Tampax has come under fire after sharing a tweet that some have deemed inappropriate and disrespectful toward females.
The bio on the official Twitter page of the Proctor & Gamble-owned company reads, “Tampax is committed to making period conversation as normal as periods so we all can feel educated, empowered, and limitless every day of the month.”
However, the tweet shared on Monday went viral after seeming to cross the line when it comes to conversations about menstruation. “You’re in their DMs. We’re in them. We are not the same,” the tweet read.
By Tuesday, #BoycottTampax became a trending topic on Twitter with people accusing the company of using the tasteless joke to sexualize the women and girls who use the feminine product.
Some also took issue with the company’s choice of pronouns in the tweet and its decision to collaborate with people from the trans community to promote its sanitary products.
“When your tampon company grossly brags to other men about being IN you, it’s time to find another provider. #BoycottTampax,” one person wrote.
One person noted that there were more important reasons to boycott Tampax aside from the inappropriate joke.
“Imagine deciding to #BoycottTampax, not because they are owned by P&G who test on animals, exploit workers and trash the environment, but because the person running their social media made a joke, priorities,” the individual tweeted.
In the last 24 hours, the tweet has received over 329,000 likes and 66,000 retweets.
Reuters/Stefan Wermuth