Milo Yiannapolous, Kanye West’s campaign manager, is no longer part of the presidential campaign, according to an interview with the Daily Beast.
The announcement comes after reported infighting and further criticism of West, who legally changed his name to Ye.
West recently praised Adolf Hitler in an InfoWars interview and walked out of an interview with YouTuber Tim Pool following some pushback on his antisemitic remarks.
Yiannapolous recently claimed responsibility for former President Donald Trump‘s meeting with West and white supremacist Nick Fuentes. In an NBC News interview, Yiannapolous said he did it “just to make Trump’s life miserable.” Fuentes, another member of West’s campaign, disputed the claim saying on the Russian social media app Telegram, “My intention was not to hurt Trump by attending the dinner, that is fake news. I love Donald Trump.”
Yiannapolous was not present Thursday at the campaign’s InfoWars interview, leading followers to speculate about his departure. While it has been alleged by far-right news outlets that Yiannapolous was fired following a power struggle with Fuentes, he said that his departure from West’s campaign was a mutual decision.
“Ye and I have come to the mutual conclusion that I should step away from his political team,” Yiannopoulos told The Daily Beast. “I will continue to pray for Ye and all his endeavors.”
“Any suggestion that I tried to get anyone fired is false—especially not people I brought in myself, who owe me their gratitude, loyalty, and respect,” he said.
Yiannopoulos said that he had “concerns about a potential new hire” but did not name the person to the Daily Beast. He also made a comment that seemed to antagonize the other members of West’s campaign.
“I’m not in the least bit drawn in by perks and private jets. Maybe the others are,” he said.
The England-born Yiannopoulos, 38, has been identified by the Anti-Defamation League as a white supremacist. He was present at the far-right Charlottesville rally in 2017, as well as the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. He was banned from Twitter in 2016 following a racist campaign against comedian Leslie Jones and lost a 2017 book deal for appearing to condone pedophilia.