Oh! Young Shim is a new romantic comedy-drama based on the classic Korean cartoon, Young Shim. The mini-series revolves around the reunion between two childhood friends, Oh Young Shim and Wang Kyung Tae. Super Junior member Donghae and actress Song Ha Yoon will portray the lead roles in the K-drama, which will air on Monday.
Ahead of the premiere, Donghae and Ha Yoon introduced the colorful casts of their upcoming drama to the viewers through a new poster. The promotional still featured Ha Yoon in the title role and Donghae as her childhood friend Kyung Tae. It also teased a love triangle for the onscreen couple by introducing Lee Min Jae as a fellow variety show-producing director. He has a big crush on Young Shim.
The other characters introduced in the poster are Jung Woo Yeon as Youtuber Gu Wol Sook, Song Young Jae as Young Shim’s father, Dae KwangWang, Ji Hye as her older sister Jin Shim, H.O.T. member Tony Ahn as her brother-in-law Woo Sang, Jo Yoo Ha as her niece Ji Yoo, and Ga Young as her younger sister Soon Shim.
Here is everything about Oh! Young Shim, an upcoming romantic comedy-drama, scheduled to premiere on Genie TV Monday at 10 pm KST.
The drama will begin with an unexpected reunion of two childhood friends, Oh Young Shim and Wang Kyung Tae, after 20 years. They meet each other again at a filming set of an upcoming dating show. Young Shim is the producing director of the variety show. When all her programs got canceled early, the new dating show became her only hope. She ventured into the production of this new variety show with the determination to be recognized well in the entertainment field.
However, things take an expected turn for the title character after she finds out that her childhood friend is part of the program. He is currently the CEO of a famous startup company. Kyung Tae looked more charming and attractive since Young Shim’s last meeting with him. They will gradually get involved in a romantic relationship and get entangled in a love triangle.
How to Watch
People in Korea can watch the mini-series on Genie TV or ENA from Monday. Two new episodes will be released every Monday and Tuesday. K-drama fans from various parts of the world, including the US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, India, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Peru, Denmark, Europe, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and the UK, can look forward to fun-filled scenes in the upcoming drama.
Screenwriter Jeon Seon Young penned the mini-series for Genie TV. Directors Oh Hwa Min and Kim Kyung Eun directed the drama together. Choi Han Gyeol is the executive producer. Kim Kyung Tae, Yoo Kyung, Woo Ji Hee, and Jung Gwi Jeong produced the K-drama.