Russian President Vladimir Putin has freed rapists, murderers, and other criminals. More than 28,000 such prisoners have been released from jail to fight in the Ukraine along with the Russian army, according to a report.
It’s being claimed that prisoners are released in return for pardon after six months of their service at the time of war. Under the current pardon system, Russia has released more than five percent of its male prisoners.
Yet the system is being abused with some “wealthy inmates” paying bribes to buy their way out of prison without going to fight, it is claimed. This has so far netted the team of a close Putin crony along with criminal and prison bosses, some £33 million, according to Daily Star.
The 28,000 figure and other shocking details have come from the Volya Telegram channel, which claims that Yevgeny Prigozhin is the man behind the jailbird-to-fighter scheme.
Prigozhin is a chef for Putin. A recent video uploaded on the internet shows hundreds of prisoners being taken in dozens of vans for their training before the war.
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