War of Y is a new Thai BL drama that focuses on the various challenges faced by people in the entertainment industry. The mini-series premiered on Tuesday, August 2. It featured the relationship between two lead actors. The show will return with a new episode on August 9, and it will continue to follow Nott and Pan.
People from various parts of the world, including the US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, India, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, the UK, Europe, China, Denmark, Spain, and the Middle East, can watch the next chapter of this Thai BL drama on Tuesday, August 9, at 9 pm ICT through AIS PLAY.
The mini-series has a total of 20 episodes. Several drama lovers across the globe loved the premiere. Immediately after the telecast of the first episode, social media platforms started getting flooded with reviews from the viewers. Here are a few of them.
Fans’ Reactions
War Of Y Episode 2 Spoilers
War of Y episode 2 will continue to focus on the relationship between Nott and Pan. Speculations suggest that the upcoming chapter will continue to focus on various challenges by actors to portray their romantic scenes onscreen. They may have to go through several unpleasant moments as they make their fans attracted to their onscreen romance.
The promo for the next chapter hints at a breakup, which could eventually lead to a new beginning. To find out what lies ahead for Nott and Pan, watch the Thai BL drama on AIS PLAY Tuesday, August 9, at 3 pm GMT.
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