A White secretary at Ouachita Parish Junior High School was let go following a “racist” text message thread with a coach about Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Nelwyn Fontana allegedly referred to the holiday as n***r day. This left the school officials stunned.
Walter Geno McLaughlin, a self-described artist-activist-organizer, shared a video that included an image of Fontana.
“Nelwyn Fontana took time on this MLKDay to let us know how she really feels about honouring Dr King. What she didn’t realize is that she accidentally sent her hate filled messages to the wrong person.”
The Hateful Message
The screenshot of the message shows what Fontana felt about the civil rights leader. “N***r day lol mark Luther King,” she said.
The other person responded “Huh? Say what? Where that come from?”
Fontana continued with her message “Remind your players Sunday we’re off Monday. For Mark Luther King Day Monday.” The message suggests that she was confused with King Jr.’s first name.
Should Have Been Terminated
McLaughlin believes the school secretary should have been terminated. He vented that these are type of people who are entrusted to educate children. “From what I understand the school district allowed her to resign but there are many who feel she should have been terminated.”
Darren Wheeler, the school principal, informed the parents of the secretary’s departure in a letter. “Unfortunately on Friday evening, a text message which contained a racial slur from an employee was brought to our attention. That employee is no longer employed by the Ouachita Parish School System. We do not condone any racism in our schools and community.”
Moreover, community members have also reacted to the incident. They said racial issues at the school run deeper than one official. Many believe that Fontana should have immediately been fired instead of allowed to resign.